Alumni Student Recruitment

What is the ASR program?

The Alumni Student Recruitment (ASR) program is a partnership between alumni and the Office of Admissions to connect the 100+ alumni recruiters volunteering in over 25 states to high school students interested in Indiana University. As an ASR, you have the opportunity to give back to IU by sharing your experiences with prospective students, helping students on their IU journey and in finding and exploring what an IU education provides.

ASRs attend college fairs, reach out to admitted students, attend admission events, host student receptions, and more.

The Office of Admissions provides training and multiple ways to get involved so you can find the right level of engagement for you. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at

Ready to make a difference? Register to be an ASR! 

Headshot of Jason G

"I fell in love with recruiting students to IU as a campus tour guide, then joined the ASR program after graduation to help students on their journey, in hopes that IU opens a world of possibility for them as it did for me."

Jason G.Class of 1997

How to get involved

Picture of student life

College fairs

Attend college fairs with IU Admissions staff or represent IU on your own. We’ll provide all the materials and information you need.

Student applying learned experiences

Admissions events

The Office of Admissions hosts a variety of student- and family-focused events throughout the country each year. These include recruitment events in the fall and admitted student receptions in the spring.

Picture of student life

Adopt high schools

Adopt one or more high schools in your area. Receive a roster of admitted students, connect with them to congratulate them on their admission to IU, and offer yourself as a contact person to answer questions and share your IU experience.

Student applying learned experiences

One-on-one meetings

Alumni can offer to meet with students and families to talk about the IU experience. This is a good way to personally share your IU story. Normally, alumni who hold one-on-one meetings have also adopted the high school of the student(s) they are meeting with.

ASR training video

Watch the video below to learn how to participate in ASR activities and get information and insights about IU to share with prospective students.