Ellie Symes’ love affair with bees started with a summer job as a beekeeper’s apprentice. When she returned to IU that fall, she applied for a research grant from the Hutton Honors College to bring beehives to the IU Bloomington campus. Her passion for beekeeping encouraged her to found the Beekeeping Club at IU.
Now Ellie is CEO of The Bee Corp, a benefit corporation that builds infrared imaging software for growers who rent beehives for pollination. The Bee Corp supports beekeepers and protects food security by helping beekeepers and growers manage pollination.
You’ll hear stories like Ellie’s from lots of IU grads. It’s because at IU, you’ll develop skills that you’ll use your whole career; discover your passions and get experience in them; get personalized guidance from career advisors, faculty, and alumni; and earn a versatile degree. Your IU career preparation starts now.